Friday, December 10, 2010


One of the themes with which I am often confronted is related to the design of interventions in areas of high environmental, cultural or social sensitivity. And the theme is not peaceful.

Evidently, the first consideration to take when designing a structural intervention is related to the specific target. That is, before the architectural solution, the first item is the objective. If the objective is to recover the assets, of course, the functionality will have to conform to the rules imposed by their own recovery. So, without thinking much about it, among the most common goals that we put on the list of requirements are: to perform any function, restore cultural heritage and enhance environmental assets.

For example, when was decided to build a visitor reception building at the entrance of the Furna do Enxofre in Graciosa island the number one objective was the function. That does not mean that the rest were not taken into account, but clearly, we were aware that by simply filling the space, the natural world could not be valued with the presence of a structure where previously there was none.

In the case of the Interpretation Centre of Lajido of Santa Luzia in Pico, the initial idea was to recover the cultural heritage. Secondly, there was the feature (housing an exhibition on the Vineyard Landscape and the Services of the Island Natural Park ) and the enhancement of the site. I think that it was accomplished, but it was not easy because, even tiny differences between the restored building and what it was before were subject of strong and important criticism.

Taking a case closer to us in Faial island. When it was decided to restore the old whale factory, we knew it would result in a project that would value the assets, but hardly would respect fully the structure that we know. In fact, this building, known for fortysomethings and thirtysomethings as "o tufo", a former nightclub, had previously been a whale-processing plant and drying fish plant. That is, it was not a building, but a succession of them and with very different functions. Therefore, the architect interpreted the building as it is now presented and, in conclusion, results in an intervention with the fusion of various styles. Some people like it and, as always, there are people who do not like.

Interestingly, this ambivalence in opinion about the new structures has a long history, certainly more than one hundred years. For example, when it was decided to build the Eiffel Tower in Paris, there were petitions and the structure had to be protected because it was feared a bomb attack. Today, is one of the most visited structures in the world and is a universal symbol of Paris and of humanity. Who would imagine in the distant year 1889?

There are other examples of controversy in architectural intervention, but, accoding to a friend of IST, the basic idea is that, as in music, good architecture survives. If the idea of putting a metal cage in the rear of Capelinhos Lighthouse is good, in a few years it will still be there. If it is not an appropriate concept, time will take it away.

However, the national and international awards and recognitions achieved by the Gruta das Torres, the Interpretation Centre Lajido Santa Luzia, the Interpretation Centre Capelinhos and the Interpretation Centre of Boqueirão are a positive omen for the future. Congratulations to the architects Ines and Miguel Vieira, Ana Laura Vasconcelos and Nuno Lopes. Their works already make us proud!

(esta página em Português)

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